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#43. You Don’t Care What Others Think About You

combating midlife negativity

People think you’re a little too loud. They say you’re a bit of a show off. They whisper things behind your back like, “I heard she sun bathes in the nude,” “Did you hear she was wasted at the pool party last week?” and “What kind of person does that?”.

What you do with your life, how you do it, and with whom is no concern of theirs. Absolutely not. Not one bit.

And you know what? You’re at that age where you a) don’t give a flying flip, b) couldn’t care less, and c) don’t give a good hot damn what people think or say about you.

You know why? Because you’re doing you. This life that you’re living belongs to you and no one else. Years ago, you may have blanched at the thought of others talking about you. Now? Pffftthhh . . . you just don’t care.

When you’re your own woman, the pettiness of people is beneath you. Sometimes you simply ignore them. Other times, you tell ’em where to go and give ’em directions on how to get there.

You can do that because you’re a GAMW (a Grown Ass Midlife Woman). So there.



What’s Inside

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