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#23. Being Able to Tell Someone to “F*ck Off!” With Style and Grace

combating midlife negativity

You have one good nerve left, and sometimes people can get on that last doggone nerve. They talk too much. They spout off with their opinions when they weren’t solicited. They tell you how to raise your children. They’re the proverbial know-it-alls. Grrrrrr.

Frustrating, heh?

As a midlife woman, you’ve seen a lot in your lifetime. Quite frankly, a lot of it has pissed you off — and it likely wasn’t just the situation that irritated you, but the person who brought the tomfoolery to your front door.
The time has come to stop holding your tongue. You’ve had it . . . and I don’t blame you one bit.

Make no mistake about it: you’re done with the foolishness. So what do you do?

It takes a special woman to be able to tell someone — with finesse, style and artful flair — to f*ck off! So go ahead . . . say it. Say it as much as you may need to say it. You’re a badass midlife woman . . . you’ve earned it.combating midlife negativity

combating midlife negativity


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