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#44. Better Judgment and Discernment

combating midlife negativity

Remember that time you thought that bright neon orange lipstick you wore made you look alluring? Or that day 30 years ago when you thought running away to join the circus was what life had in store for you? Or what about back in the 80s when you bought a dozen pairs of MC Hammer pants . . . and wore them? (I think I just threw up a little in my mouth…)

combating midlife negativity

Oy vey! Blunders are a part of life. But when you make them over and over and over again, that points to one thing: bad judgment.

Bad judgment leads to bad decisions which, in turn, can snowball into one helluva mess.

Today, you’re more informed, you take the time to learn and you take the time to actually stop and ponder your decisions before rendering your verdict. That, my dear midlife woman, is the sign of good judgment and discernment.


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