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#42. Championing for Your Aging Self

combating midlife negativity

You’re an incredible woman. You do things that you never thought you would. You’re finally taking care of YOU. No, you’re not a superhero, but you are magnificent. That “S” across your chest could stand for many things:

Super . . .
Sassy . . .
Sensational . . .
Spectacular . . .
Superb . . .
Smashing . . .
Splendiferous . . .
Strong . . .
Stupendous . . .
and So much more!

You’re an advocate for the most important person in your life: yourself! 

You go to bat for yourself. You won’t tolerate being pushed to the side. You pick your battles and fight the good fight if and when it needs to be fought. Ageism doesn’t stand a chance . . . no way, not in your path.

So go on, midlife woman . . . show ’em what you’re made of!

What does YOUR “S” stand for?

What’s Inside

Valerie around the web

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