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#45. Reinvention

combating midlife negativity

Midlife woman. You have wholeheartedly embraced this second chapter of your life. While some women may believe that the best part of their lives have passed them by, you, dear lady, beg to differ.

The beauty of reinvention is that you can be anyone you choose to be. You’ve crossed the bridge from the first half of adulthood, now it’s time to rev up the second half! It’s time to rediscover yourself, or reinvent a new you.

First, start by accepting the woman that you have become, but acknowledge that you’re interested in change.
Next, ask yourself probing questions. What do you want to do? Where do you want to go?
Next, make the tough decisions. Do I quit my job and travel the world or do I sock money away for retirement?
Once you know what you want to do, commit to doing it. Don’t just dream about it; make it happen (whether that means deciding to dye your hair purple, losing 50 pounds, or trading your adult-mobile in for a sports car). Then . . .

Embrace the reinvented you!

Of course, you don’t have to rewrite your life to be happy. You may be perfectly fine just the way you are. But if you do want change, do it. Own your history and get ready to script the future.

Surprise everyone. Hell, surprise yourself!



    • Valerie Albarda says

      Judy, that’s wonderful that you can look back at your defining moment of reinvention and see how far you’ve come since then. Congratulations!

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