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The Yann Moix Aftershock: In Defense of Women Over 50

Does the name Yann Moix mean anything to you? Today of all days, in this age of #MeToo, it should.

I only mention Moix by name because women the world over need to be clued in when a person with a platform speaks ill of women based on the number of years, nay decades, they’ve been alive.

Moix, a man who obviously thinks far too highly of himself, had this to say about women aged 50 and over:

“At 50, I am incapable of loving a woman of 50. I find that too old.”

Incapable? [There’s some serious teeth sucking going on over here right about now.] Ironic that he, too, is 50. Pot and kettle? Hmmmm…. But wait, there’s more.

Moix’s speed: he prefers them young and Asian

“I prefer younger women’s bodies, that’s all. End of. The body of a 25-year-old woman is extraordinary. The body of a woman of 50 is not extraordinary at all.”

I’ll give you a second to let that little morsel sink in, pick your lip up off the floor and put your eyes back in your head.

As if midlife women weren’t maligned enough, now, this French author and television presenter spews his vile venom out into the universe as flippantly as I would tell him to STFU to his face if given the coveted opportunity.

Moix’s interview in the French edition of Marie Claire speaks volumes on his ineptitude as it relates to appreciating women his own damn age. He appears to not possess the slightest bit of shame for his predilections and, in fact, defends himself in an interview with France’s RTL radio network in which he responds to his critics, of which there are many.

“I don’t see this as pride, but almost as a curse. It’s not my fault. We are not responsible for our tastes, our penchants, our inclinations.” He claims he is a “prisoner of my tastes.”

Curse? Yes. Not your fault? Of course it is; stop being ridiculous. As for being a prisoner, I’d like to see him under a prison, sat upon by a horde of 50+ women who are fed up with his selfish shenanigans. Count me in.

His comments read like a primer on how not to validate a woman’s existence lest she be 49 or under with a body to match along with, I gather, a perky bosom. I’d buy that book. Hell, I should write it!

Perhaps this goes deeper than the shallowness that is Yann Moix. Could it be that other 50-year old men (and older) harbor such narrow-minded feelings yet either don’t have the gall, gonads, smugness, crassness or platform to say it loud enough for the masses to hear? I suspect that men like him treat the women in their lives as accessories – something to adorn their muscle-challenged arms and add a lustrous sheen to their dullness.

Do I sound angry? Yeah? Good, because I am.

Moix is a moron. That’s just my opinion . . . and one that happens to be shared by many women, also.

Women over the age of 50 should be breathing a collective sigh of relief that Moix has outed himself as a sexist, misogynistic being. Now we can add one more to our growing list of men to avoid. We face enough ostracization in the court of public opinion already without being privy to the knowledge that men of his ilk find us ‘invisible.’

There’s so much wrong with this sentiment and, not surprisingly, with this man. He said it, ladies of the 50+ club, about us: we’re ‘invisible’ to him. In the grand scheme of things, I guess that’s a good thing.

When we allow ourselves to be summarily dismissed simply by virtue of our age (hello, ageism anyone?!?), we lose a sense of self and we negate our value in life. This is why we have to speak out on this foolishness.

Midlife women, particularly those 50 and over, are doing magnificent things on the world stage and that shouldn’t be usurped because we’ve walked this earth for more than 18,250 days or the bodies of our youth may be in our rear view mirror. Where does experience, wisdom and maturity play in Moix’s agenda? Alas, perhaps his desire for those qualities only exist in his novels. Sigh.

Speaking of novels, Moix was making the rounds and plugging his new book when giving that now infamous Marie Claire interview. I’m thinking there’s a ploy afoot to stay relevant and, ironically, visible. You smellin’ what I’m cookin’? Well played, Mr. Moix, well played.

The French born and bred Moix issued a battle cry with his acerbic barbs. Whether knowingly or otherwise, he threw down the gauntlet and the internet rose to the challenge. To my 55-year-old delight, the bite of his words has gone neither unnoticed nor unanswered as outrage and backlash spread through the ranks of social media.

By the way, French women have their own version of the #MeToo movement; it’s called #BalanceTonPorc  (or “OutYourPig”). How fitting. Yeah, I’m looking straight at you, Moix.


  1. 1010ParkPlace says

    I just spent six months on! What an eye-opening experience that was! I wish I could say these imbeciles are in the minority, but the men my age on Match wanted a woman between 35 and 50. The others are desperate for anyone between “18 and 100.” Many are married. I’ve passed through my shock and anger over these apes, and I’m done! Brenda

    • Valerie Albarda says

      The “between 18 and 100” guys are the really scary ones! Sorry your experience wasn’t wholly positive…but at least you have a better handle on what you DON’T want. 😀

  2. Laurie Stone says

    There’s also money to be made in controversy. Is he selling something? A book or show, perhaps? I say we not take the bait and instead give him the deafening silence he deserves. Deprive him of any response. Who cares what this Brad Pitt wannabe thinks?

    • Valerie Albarda says

      Good gosh…if he was shooting for Brad Pitt, he fell woefully short! 😉 And yes, he’s promoting his new book. Ughhh!

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