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Midlife Mantra: Perfectly Imperfect

I believe that 24/7 perfection is a myth.

Yes, I may be able to bake a perfect caramel pecan apple pie (but perfect by whose standards?!?), or get a perfect 100% on an exam (good gracious…I hate taking tests!) or get a clean bill of health from my doctor (but what about that mild disc space narrowing at L4/L5 in my back?), but I can’t sustain that level of perfection across all areas of my life all day, every day.

Does it mean I don’t try – in any area of my life? Certainly not. But I have to keep telling myself that I’m not perfect. I accept that fact. 

It’s okay to not be perfect. It’s also okay to strive for perfection. Striving means you’re making an effort at something . . . and when we try, we learn and we grow.

So let’s hear it for growth! But let’s also hear it for being perfectly okay with our imperfection.


    • Valerie Albarda says

      So true, Rebecca. While we can work to change our flaws, I believe it’s important that we accept them and don’t look at them as something that doesn’t make us somehow whole.

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