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#38. The Gift of Clarity

combating midlife negativity

You see so much better now than you did when you were younger. I’m not talking about your physical vision — that which you see with your eyes, but your mental vision . . . that special sense of acuity . . . your clarity.

Having clarity now means your hindsight is 20/20. The things that were staring you right in face back then that you couldn’t (or possibly you refused to) see are now crystal clear. This sense of articulation has been honed over the past couple of decades and, now, you wouldn’t dream of making some of the decisions that you made back then.

As a midlife woman, the blinders are off and your decisions are more thought out, more defined, more purposeful. You’re rarely willy-nilly.

That’s one of the beauties of being a midlife woman — having the gift of clarity.

combating midlife negativity



    • Valerie Albarda says

      It certainly is 20/20, isn’t it? If I based my hindsight on all the botched relationships I had, I would consider myself a total fool. Luckily, I think better of myself. 🙂 Thanks for joining the conversation, Walker.


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