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#37. Conformity is For The Birds!

combating midlife negativity

You’ve heard the saying: “Birds of a feather flock together.” And then there are those birds that chart their own path, navigate their journey, flap their wings the way they want and do whatever the hell they please.

Average is so yesterday. You possess a unique quality and you own it like it’s bought and paid for. From your purple hair, to the nose ring, to your goth sensibilities . . .  you’re different, and you revel in that! You don’t follow the trends, societal norms aren’t your cup o’ tea, and you dance to your own tune.

Why do you do this? Because you’re your own woman. You’re an individual. You refuse to blend in with the crowd; you stand out, and proudly. You don’t have to walk the same path as everyone else. You make your own freakin’ path.

Go on with your bad self!

What’s Inside

Valerie around the web

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