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Over the years, my To-Do list has overflowed with things like “clean the garage,” “organize my shoes,” “schedule meeting,” and the like. Very rarely do the to-do tasks motivate me, energize me or cause me to look forward to them with such glee that I can’t sleep at night over the excitement of ‘to-doing.’

But there’s another list that I’ve adopted; it’s called my “To-Be” list. On this list are things such as, “be confident,” “be true to myself,” “be the woman who inspires,” “be happy from the inside out,” and so on.

I would much rather strive to get everything done on my “To-Be” list over a “To-Do” list any day of the week.


  1. Karen Austin says

    I should focus on the mantra, but those macaroons look lovely! You always have great visuals on your blog. Thanks for bringing beauty and wisdom into the world.

    • Valerie Albarda says

      🙂 Karen…they do look tasty, don’t they?!? And thank you SO much for the compliment. I am to educate and entertain… Have a beautiful day.

    • Valerie Albarda says

      Thanks Kathy. Yes, a “to be” is a great idea, and the idea has been around for a while. Thanks for joining the conversation!

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