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MIDLIFE MANTRA: I’m Not Done Yet . . .

I’m a midlife woman. Don’t count me out, because I’m not done yet.

When I’m down, I get back up. There’s still so much life left in me. There’s still so much for me to do, because I’m not done yet.

Too many believe that a midlife woman is past her prime, that she has no value, that she’s invisible. Trust me when I tell you I’m not done yet.

If you haven’t learned anything else about me along this journey, know this: I am not done yet.

Scroll down for my parting message 

When I first began this series on Midlife Mantras, I thought perhaps I would have enough mantras to fill maybe two weeks (if I was lucky). Then along came some wonderful midlife women at the onset who proved me wrong! They graciously told me what their favorite mantras were and allowed me to illustrate them just for you. My meager 2-week mantra series turned into something more . . . before I knew it, I had amassed 2 whole months worth of mantras! It was my moment of discovery: I discovered that there were all kinds of mantras inside of me just waiting to be given life!

I hope you’ve enjoyed this special series. And if you weren’t previously a fan of mantras, perhaps one or two of the 61 mantras that I’ve illustrated for you have sparked an interest for you. 

Mantras are a wonderful way to re-center ourselves in life, to give us the pick-up we need, and to help inspire us to do better and be better. Just because we’ve come to the last mantra doesn’t mean it’s all over — you can come back to the mantras time and time again, whenever you need a little lift or a bit of encouragement. If you’re enjoying them, why not pass the Midlife Mantra homepage along to another great woman in your life who you feel might benefit from them. And if you have a moment, I’d love to hear what your favorite mantra is!

Have a blessed day!


What’s Inside

Valerie around the web

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