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‘A is for Attitude’ and Other A-Z Midlife Ramblings

Let’s face it: midlife can be a trying time for women. Our changing hormones wreak havoc on us physiologically, physically and emotionally. For many of us, if our bodies aren’t on the verge of bursting into roaring flames, then we’re ready to rip our partner’s arm off and beat him with it. Yes, the journey through the midlife minefield can be one fraught with some highs, but also lows; there’s no way around it.

As with everything in life, there are workarounds to keep us moving forward. To combat weight gain, we ramp up our exercise routine. To minimize hot flashes, we may cut back on spicy foods or turn to black cohosh, evening primrose oil or meditation. To get a better night’s sleep, we may skip the alcohol before bedtime.

But what do we do when we begin to doubt ourselves or thinking shifts to a negative place? We self-correct.

Not sure how to do that? Check out the slideshow below for A-Z tips for midlife women. (to go back to the beginning hover over the slideshow for control panel at the bottom)

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What words of advice do you have for your fellow midlife woman? I’m dying to hear what sage advice you have in the comments below!

What’s Inside

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