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Midlife Mantra: Everything is Going to Be Alright

We may doubt ourselves. We may doubt our circumstances. We may doubt our place in this world. But there’s one thing we should be telling ourselves: in the end, it”ll be okay.

When we know there’s a light at the end of a tunnel, we can find some semblance of peace as we deal with whatever it is that has taken hold of us. In the end, it will be okay. We just have to get through it. So, like Michele O’Callaghan does with her mantra, we tell ourselves everything is going to be alright. We reprogram our belief system to know that, in time, it will be.


  1. Lisa Ricard Claro says

    Love this! And having a mantra DOES help. Mine is “Patience. Everything will fall into place.” And looking back over the years, this is true! Everything does eventually fall into place, even if it isn’t in a way we expect. Sometimes it’s better than we could have imagined. 🙂

    • Valerie Albarda says

      Thanks Lisa! And you are so right; eventually, things fall into place. It may not be in our time or in the way that we expect, but that’s where patience comes in. Thanks again.

    • Valerie Albarda says

      Indeed Lauren. Sometimes when things come to us in a way that we didn’t image, it’s hard for us to see past the packaging, but we have to know that things are being worked out in the background. Thanks for joining the conversation!

    • Valerie Albarda says

      Disco lives, Teresa! 😉 And, yes, it is a great mantra! Thanks for joining the conversation…

  2. Michele says

    Thanks for the mention. It’s amazing how everything is ok….even all the silly things that keep me awake at 2am. Everything is still ok.

    • Valerie Albarda says

      Michele, in the grand scheme of things, many of life’s hiccups are minor. That helps me to put things in perspective and see that things really will be okay. Thanks for participating and I love your mantra!

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