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Midlife and the Seasoned Woman

Have you ever given any thought to the phrase, “a seasoned woman”? Seasoned. Hmmm… Consider this quote from Gail Sheely, author of Sex and the Seasoned Woman: Pursuing the Passionate Life.

seasoned woman

When many think of seasons, they likely do so in terms of spring, summer, winter and fall. Seasons change. But here’s the thing: women do, too. Change isn’t an exclusive club open only to females, however, as midlife women, it’s important to recognize that our changes – our seasons – bring variety and significance to our lives. With these changes come a new set of responsibilities, new goals and rewarding achievements.

Seasonal transformations are a natural part of life. These life cycles mark our evolution; we flow from childhood into adulthood, and from there we slide into midlife (sometimes kicking and screaming) until, finally, we reach the golden years – that precarious precipice from which we teeter along until our passing.

seasoned womanSo what’s wrong with claiming our seasoned status? For me, absolutely nothing. I’m a seasoned woman, and I have no qualms with being viewed as such. Why? Well, I’m not a rookie at life. True, I’m no Yoda, but I’ve been at this gig for 52 years, and dare I say, with God’s blessings I hope to be going at it much longer. When someone recognizes that I have something to offer – experience – it sets me apart from those who have barely gotten their feet wet in this big pool we call life.

I proudly claim my seasoned woman status. So much so, in fact, that, as a play on words, I’ve wholeheartedly adopted my seasoning. That seasoning used to be Smoked Paprika – sweet and smoky. However, as I’ve reassessed the woman that I have become, I feel there’s a better fit for me: Cardamom – intense, but warm and sweet. Yeah, that’s more my style.

So, what’s your seasoning? I challenge you to pick a seasoning — whether you’re delicate, hot, spicy, mellow, bitter or whatever. . . find the seasoning that’s right for you. And when you do, claim it and let me know in the comments below why that seasoning fits you to a T.

seasoned woman


  1. Dimitri says

    Golpar, if bitter can be a substitute for sometimes being too much on the negative side and/or a bit sarcastic.

    • Valerie Albarda says

      Ooooh, owning your sometimes negative and/or sarcastic side…I like that!

    • Valerie Albarda says

      Once upon a time, I was paprika. I’ve since changed my seasoning. EVERY woman should embrace her seasoning. 😉

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