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#12. Like Fine Wine, You Too Get Better With Age

combating midlife negativity

Elegant. Complex. Zippy. Mellow. Flamboyant. Earthy. Nutty.

I could be talking about wine, or I could be talking about midlife women. But don’t get offended. The comparison is meant with the best of intentions. It is, however, meant to convey the fact that, as with wine, we too get better as we age.

We are savored for our finesse, we’re bold, polished, full-bodied and powerful. We can be delicate, refined, soft and polished or voluptuous, racy, lively and edgy.

Question: Does society believe we are these things and more?
Answer: Who gives a flying flip?!?

That’s the beauty of aging…


    • Valerie Albarda says

      When you believe it, Anne, when you really know that in your heart, you project that confidence outward. You ARE getting better with age!

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