Stay in the know with Midlife-A-Go-Go!

#50. In Touch With Your Emotions

combating midlife negativity

On any given day of the week, you can go through a range of emotions . . . from giddy to rage, happy to sad, melancholy to exuberant. Yup, there’s a whole mess o’ emotions rolled up inside of you and they’re just bursting to get out.

Now, there is the caveat which rules the roost and is every midlife woman’s nemesis — menopause. Mood swings come and go so swiftly, it can make us dizzy. So let’s just forget about those menopause-induced mood swings for a moment, shall we? M’kay?

You’re not the woman you were decades ago. You don’t crumble into a blithering mass of tears when you don’t get your way. Your emotions controls almost everything about you — whether you react or respond to people around you (and how you react or respond), the decisions you make, how you feel about yourself, etc.

Now, something is different. That difference is the very essence of you:

You recalibrate yourself when change occurs in  your life (change that, years ago, would have sent you into a tailspin).
You have command of your emotions so that others won’t have power over you.
You’re true to your emotions.
You know how to relax and you’re comfortable being with yourself.

You don’t bury your emotions or shy away from them. A good cry? Yeah, you got this.
You’re honest with yourself and acknowledge your feelings in the moment.

You . . . you’re such a smarty pants.

You define your emotions; they don’t define you.


What’s Inside

Valerie around the web

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