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#57. You’re a Survivor

combating midlife negativity

Life has thrown a whole lotta shit your way, but you rose to the challenge. You put your big girl panties on and, despite the hurdles and road blocks, you pushed onward. You weren’t afraid to make waves or ruffle a few feathers.

You made it to this point in life through sheer perseverance, determined strength and the primal will to survive.

You made it. You’re a survivor.

You bet the odds.
You proved the naysayers wrong.
You turned the tables on the haters.
You rose from the ashes of your former self.

You know who you are.
You take responsibility for yourself.
You created opportunities for yourself.
You’ve learned from your past.
You embraced your vulnerabilities.
You’ve taken action when needed.
You picked yourself up, dusted yourself off and kept it moving.
You . . . yes, you, are a survivor.

How are you a survivor? Let me know in the comments.

What’s Inside

Valerie around the web

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