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Novelty and How the Little Things Can Have a Big Impact with Pam Lamp

Have you had a major shift later in life? Were you prepared for it? Did you embrace it? Sometimes we’re thrown into situations that are out of our control. How we handle it can either make us or break us. Sometimes, all it takes is a little change in our thinking to unlock a world of opportunities in the midst of change.

That sums up Pam Lamp. Almost 4 years ago, Pam and her husband relocated from Houston, Texas to Nashville. It was a difficult transition for her, moving to someplace where she didn’t know a soul. To find friends and create a community, she devised a project for herself that she called “My New Thing For Today.” Each day she vowed to do one new thing that would help her settle into her surroundings and slowly, Nashville began to feel like home. It was the little things that were sustaining her. Pam realized that learning and doing new things, something that she refers to as “novelty,” was good for the mind and spirit. With that novelty, she developed awareness, confidence, a passion and a purpose and a variety of new interests.

One of Pam’s favorite quotes is:

“You can’t just be you. You have to double yourself. You have to read books on subjects you know nothing about. You have to travel to places you never thought of traveling. You have to meet every kind of person and endlessly stretch what you know.”

On The Show . . .

On the show, Pam and I discuss:

  • Feeling like it was too late to start something new.
  • Doing one new thing every day.
  • The little things and the big things.
  • How novelty improved and enriched her life.
  • And more…

Where to Find Pam Lamp:
Website: Who I Met Today  |  Instagram: Who I Met Today  |  Facebook: Pam Lamp  Email

“Midlife-A-Go-Go the podcast!” is hosted by Valerie Albarda

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Music Credits:
“My Street” by Lee Rosevere Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 International (

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