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#59. You No Longer Tolerate Toxic People in Your Life

combating midlife negativity

Toxic people. You know who these people are.

They’re the narcissistic ones who only think about themselves and what they can get from you.
They’re the ones who treat you with disdain and say things like, “I was only joking.”
They’re the same people who smile in your face, stab you in the back, then say, “Sorry,” (not sorry).
They’re the very people whose unhinged behavior is on full blast at the slightest provocation.

They’re the energy vampires . . . take take take but never give, and they’re sucking the life out of you.

Well, you’re done! No more, sister.

You finally see these people for the toxic creatures they are and you want nothing to do with that foolishness. You don’t want them infecting your life with their septic venom. So you drop ’em like a hot, rancid potato. And you do so . . . without guilt.

C’ya later, toxic folks!

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